Narconon Locations
Ever since opening its doors in 1966, the Narconon Fresh Start program has been devoted to saving valued lives of mankind from the devastation of alcohol and drugs all over the world. Currently, Narconon drug rehabilitation centers are serving as life savior programs in over 40 countries in 6 continents.
Due to its exemplary and commendable success tempo, the Narconon program after being established across the United States is now flourishing and booming in other parts of the world. The most fundamental cause of such laudable success is that the Narconon programs are fighting against any type of substance abuse. The proficient counselors, specialist doctors and expert psychiatric consultants are dealing their clients with absolute potential and devotion. Due to this fact 7 out of 10 graduates from Narconon rehabilitation centers are able to lead a healthy, drug-free and sober life after treatment.
Narconon locations in United States
In United States, currently Narconon program is functioning at about 100 locations in more than 30 different states. The few of these centers and their locations are as follows:
The former Narconon foundation
The first step towards combat against drug and alcohol was initiated in Arizona State Penitentiary with its central office located in Phoenix, Arizona. The former residential Narconon program started its services in Los Angeles, California in 1972.
The largest residential Narconon Arrowhead center
The biggest residential program that is curing and producing largest number of graduates is Narconon Arrowhead. It constitutes of over 100 dedicated personnel and is able to accommodate and treat nearly 200 clients at a time.
The Sunshine Summit Lodge at San Diego County
The Sunshine Summit Lodge, which is well-known for addressing drug and alcohol rehabilitation, is located in close proximity to the famed Warner Hot Springs in the majestic hills of Northern San Diego County. The cozy and comfy lodge is covering an area of 40 acres and is situated 35 miles away from the city of Temecula. Far from the rowdy and raucous city atmosphere, the Narconon Fresh Start is facilitating its clients from abusive drugs and alcoholic substances in a calming and comforting countryside.
Narconon Vista Bay and its three sites
The most successful and highly rated program is Narconon Vista Bay. To meet the environmental needs of individuals, it is situated at three places i.e. Santa Cruz, South Lake Tahoe and Placerville.
Narconon Colorado
Narconon Colorado is positioned at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The scenery vibes plays an important role in influencing the addict’s behavior.
Narconon Freedom Center
Narconon Freedom Center is covering an area of 10 acres. The center has separate wings for both males and females. Narconon also operates a drug education and prevention program in New England.
Narconon is a world-wide solution for handling drug abuse. Throughout the world, the Narconon Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program provides drug and alcohol treatment services in many languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Nepalese and Taiwanese.
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