Addiction Treatment Center
The most perfect location for addicts and alcoholics with a therapeutic, remedial and restorative environment can be found at one of the most eminent Narconon drug rehabilitation center known as Sunshine Summit Lodge. Situated near the famous Warner Hot Springs, the lodge is capacious and fully equipped rehab center. The program aims at physical, mental and spiritual restoration of the people addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Best Endeavors for Excellent Rehab Results
During the recovery process, the thorniest endeavor of an addict’s life is to make every effort to his or her full potential to get relieved of abusive drug and alcoholic life. Keeping in view such circumstances, the devoted and expert staff at Narconon program employs its best efforts to facilitate their clients and to take effective measures that play a critical part in carrying out the client’s revival.
Chief Components of the Rehab Program
The drug rehabilitation and prevention program is divided into many stages. The Narconon program at Sunshine Summit Lodge is well-planned and well-structured and is carried out in subsequent steps to obtain the best optimal output in terms of clients’ recovery. The placid environment accompanied by recreational activities and educational courses is sure to bring positive results.
Narconon’s Life Detoxification Program
In order to accomplish true rehabilitation, firstly the client is passed through the life detoxification program (Sauna Detox Therapy). The key objective of this program is to remove the physical disturbance that is caused by the drug residuals. Proper treatment and medication speeds up the body’s natural elimination process removing these metabolites. Once free from the drug residuals the participant is ready to go for the next stage that involves addressing the psychological treatment.
Cognitive Behavior Modification Therapy
The next stage involves cognitive behavior modification therapy in which the participants are bound to make realize their behavior and conduct. This phase is carried out under the joint collaboration of case supervisors and counselors which enable participants become self determined by modifying their attitudes towards life matters. The program focuses on integrity and responsibility for one’s own actions. Through this program the participants learn a lot which is helpful for them throughout their life.
Through the application of various life skills programs, the participants learn how to interact with other people in their surrounding to build constructive relationships with them. The participants learn how to handle problems and finally find solutions. The participant’s progress is examined by their course supervisors to ensure that their individual program needs are met effectively. The true recovery from drug is no doubt difficult, but with the proper guidance, supervision and direction at Narconon fresh start, the drug free life can be regained. The contribution of Sunshine Summit Lodge is far above than that of other places for drugs rehabilitation.
The disadvantages of drinking alcohol include alcohol dependence, liver damage and the risk for experiencing various accidents. Drug addiction interventions